Tim Milian

Tim Milian


Address: 9301 Collins Avenue, Surfside, FL, 33154

Phone: 305.866.3635

Fax: 305.861.1302

Hours: Monday - Friday 9:00 AM - 5:00 PM

Adrian Hernandez

Assistant Parks and Recreation Director

Phone: 305.866.3635, Ext. 281

Marianella Luces

Aquatic Supervisor

Phone: 305.866.3635, Ext. 219

Mission Statement:

Provide recreational and leisure opportunities to build a strong sense of community while increasing the social, cultural and physical well-being of the residents and to be innovative in the programming needs of the community.

Services, Functions, and Activities:

The Parks and Recreation Department provides recreational and leisure opportunities to build a strong sense of community while increasing the social, cultural and physical well-being of the residents through innovative programming to meet the needs of the community. The Department operates the Community Center and provides for the planning, supervision, maintenance and development of parks, park facilities, recreational programming, beach activities and supervision, and numerous special events while balancing those needs with available resources. The Department strives to courteously assist patrons in meeting their needs for recreation, community involvement, and enjoyable leisure time through the development of diverse offerings in a safe, attractive and well-maintained environment.

A five-year capital plan developed with the assistance of the Parks and Recreation Committee focuses on providing quality facilities to meet the recreational needs of the ever-changing Town demographics. Under this plan, the Tennis Center facility and the Hawthorne Tot Lot were renovated. The design phase of the renovation of 96th Street Park, a project on the five-year plan, is budgeted in fiscal year 2020.

To accomplish park related objectives, the Department offers a variety of well-maintained park facilities (active recreation, passive recreation, and aquatic opportunities). To accomplish community related objectives, the Department continues its involvement in the coordination of numerous special events throughout the year. To accomplish the recreational objectives, the Department continues offering diverse programming for all ages and abilities. The Community Center operates on a year-round basis and provides quality programming and activities to all segments of the community. New programs are provided on an annual basis to meet community needs as they arise during the course the year.